Month 32: Itty Bitty Role Model

Things are quite uneventful on the potty front.   Itty Bitty has had no accidents, other than the potty emptying kind!    Big potty vs Little potty is pretty 50/50 as far as preference.  Daddy Man and I are only called upon for messy poo bottom wipes or public toilet help.  She is my helper for her brother getting me prefolds, putting dirties in the pail, emptying his potty bowl and generally loving on him.  She can’t resist touching him or kissing him when he is napping though.  She sings to him, asks to hold him, announces if  “baby frew up!”,  tells me “baby crying feed him!” and tries to give him toys she thinks he might like (or a snotty cold…eww).   We usually have to get her out of his face and space!   If she wants to nurse, it is the only time she asks me to put him down.  I would happily nurse them together if I could, but the difference in their suckle pattern drives me bazookers for some strange reason.    I wish I didn’t have to ask her to wait s much, but now that we hit the three month mark, growth spurts won’t be so frequent.

Her hair has gotten longer very quickly and is all curl; she has also grown too tall now to run a mad dash on the top of the gym padded fort.  Daddy Man witnessed a running-head-bonk wipe out!   Stunned, dazed, but not hurt.   Itty Bitty was a little confused and dizzy.   She can also climb the steep side of the climbing wall making the four and five year olds drop jaw and giving the adults apoplexy.  Her vocabulary is astounding, her dexterity with tracing letters on the leap pad still unbelievable.  We’ve had a few meltdowns (she misses her late day nap more that she should) and we are all learning not to get on each others nerves.  Sometimes I just want to be alone for ten minutes and she just want my attention.   I’ve been so tired and wanted to just get something done in the neverending chores piling up that I’ve forgotten just to let her help and to not get mad when she asks me 4,345 times in a row if she can help, or makes a mess because she didn’t wait as I asked.   I want to stop apologizing for yelling, and just not do it in the first place!   This time in her life is so short, I don’t want to wish it away or waste it.   Got to work on my zen!

I thought that this month I would have Itty Bitty show off her potty talents in a little pictoral.  I forgot to have her put on a cool mask so in some shots she is headless.  Clothes for modesty of course, she is still a born streaker!

Visit Brother Blog:  Pottytunities for Two


Quotes of the Month:
“I sowwy.  You angry?  Me hug you makeit bedder?”   (melts the heart doesn’t it?)
“Aww I too big. (trying to sit in a box)  I too little pick me up?”   (yes sweetie, you are still my baby)

About Laissez Faire

I am 41...42...43...44, 45, 46 married with two children, two cats, and a dog. Writing is my hobby, and learning and teaching my passions. Books! It used to be that I could devour several books a week when I had the time. I am usually too tired to stray awake these days with two kids. Currently my brain and energy levels have steered me to casual games, writing contests, and some inconsistent blogging.

Posted on May 23, 2012, in Parenting, Potty Training, Toddlers and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. What brand or type is that potty lid thingy? (Pardon my name for it but I have no idea what it’s even called!) 😉

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